Narcos: (TV series Season 1 2015)

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Netflix is gaining viewership across the borders and with my Silver OS widget for firefox, I can too take that advantage. Narcos is a Netflix original series about a country so deeply entrenched under the terror of Don Pablo Escobar that it is almost possible to ignore the landscape around such a beautiful country. A story that shook not only Colombia but the U.S.A as well for almost two decades is unquestionably a hot-selling property for viewership. From the mouth of the then DEA Steve Murphy (played by Boyd Holbrook) about Pablo Escobar (played by Wagner Moura), the story looks immensely different. People might have already seen the Argentine-Colombian documentary film directed by Nicolas Entel, Sins of My Father, but this story is the mainstream drama.

There have been attempts earlier to explore the story of Mr. Escobar but Narcos presents a unique mixed style of entertainment. The portrayal of some scenes are as crude as it can get, bringing back life to my small laptop screen. To an extent it is good. As my Colombian friend once said that Escobar’s reign ended in 1993, I can too be happy for her. Although I have no clue what the citizens have actually gone through during those times but I am making an attempt only as an outsider here.

Escobar’s network grew so big that it penetrated into a distant continent, Asia. The neighboring countries were undeniably worst hit. Colombia itself saw a reign of bloodbath and terror across the streets. And then there was another question of siphoning US dollars into Colombia. The Medellín Cartel was making enormous profits that it had to dig pits in the ground to store cash. US only started probing into the matter when the US dollars started draining out of their territories and of course there were other reasons as well such as political alignment and perception building. Some photographic evidence also suggested the involvement of Communists helping in the drug-smuggling. These reasons were enough for the US to start dealing with the internal affairs of another country. The US embassy was playing the role of shadow government inside the borders of Colombia. Any outside help was indeed required to bring down this large empire of drugs.

In fact, the threat of the US extradition policy compelled Escobar to surrender to the Colombian goverment. But Escobar did manage to establish his terms and conditions with the goverment. The famous La Catedral prison was especially built to shelter Mr. Escobar and yes it was the new safe-house for Pablo to carry out all the illegal activities again. It was the tough decision for the Colombian government to restore peace on the streets and stop US to interfere into the internal politics. The agreement however failed miserably and Escobar managed to escape from there as well.

Rodrigo Amarante composed a soothing Latin theme to start the proceedings of a crime thriller. The soft guitar music just blends you right into the landscapes of Colombia. Although this is my first experience as a viewer to witness the magic of Chris Brancato, Carlo Bernard, and Doug Miro but I am really impressed with the overall look and feel of the show. There isn’t anything in the show to dislike.